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This is Overtones Peso Tuner v 2.2 and it is the program I have written to tune my pans.

It is a very simple and basic one, you just choose your reference frequency (A4) then the note you want to tune and the tolerance in cents corresponding to the magic green color on the bars. Then you can start tuning!

Look at the spectrum in the bottom field: you have to match your peaks on each vertical line. You can help yourself by listening at each single frequency by clicking on the play button below.

Once the rough tuning is done, look at the Strobobars. The cent value is precise within 1 cent independently on the frequency you are tuning, but the refresh rate is slower than on the spectrum graph.

The program has been written with LabView for research and study purpose. It is released as-it-is and each user will install it at his own risk. Please contact me if you wish to help developing the program, and I will provide the source code. Commercial use of this software is not allowed.

Handpan tonefields size calculator

Here you can download a pdf file which will help you to begin building your own handpan. It shows how I did to choose the size and dimensions (long and short axes) of my first notefields. It is rather old, now I use a bit different dimensions, but I think every builder has to find his/her preferences by tuning and tuning. These numbers give anyway a very good starting point. They allowed me to tune the first 10-15 pans, then you will certainly change according to your own tuning style.

All-in-one Scale Disk

This Disk allows you to easily find your scales and the melodic relationship between notes... the numbers 1-7 refers to the sequence of the scale. Each number has letters indicating the melodic mode (Ionium, Doricum, Frigium, Lydium, Misolydium, Eolicum, Locrium). Let us say for example you want to create a C Io (Maj) you rotate the disk till you have 1 to the C and then you get all other notes (D,E,F,G,A,B), which are the same as A Eo (Min) or D Do. Moreover, if you just remove notes numbers 4 and 7 (which are written with a different font) you get the correspondent pentatonic scale.

This disk contains in itself therefore 168 different scales!!

Here there is a link to download an Inkscape file with the layout. You can build your own or use it in a laser-cutting machine.

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